"RESOLVED: That this meeting of the National Presidents Conference go on record as encouraging APWU state and local organizations to work in coalitions with other unions and with community groups, to continue our struggle to generate grassroots support for preserving postal services and jobs, and be it further:
RESOLVED: That this body encourage APWU state and local organizations to participate, wherever practicable, in support of actions designed to rally public support for the preservation of postal services and jobs, such as the March 24 NALC Day of Action.
Communities and Postal Workers United calls on all postal unions and the public to rally in the cities designated by the NALC (go to www.nalc.org for location near you ) The immediate focus on Saving Six-Day Delivery must be joined with the struggle to stop plant consolidations, stop the service reductions, sale and closures of post offices, stop and reverse privatization of postal trucking and custodian jobs, stop the delay of mail and return delivery standards. The USPS is being attacked on all sides and must be defended with a unified front. Bring the whole message to March 24th actions -- No Closures, No Cuts, No Delay of Mail.
Congress, the President and the Postmaster General must be shown the massive support of the American people for their constitutionally mandated postal service.