Tuesday, November 11, 2014

The 2014 Midterm Elections and Beyond

After months of electioneering, phone banks, door knocks, and billions of dollars spent in campaign ads, the book has closed on the 2014 midterm elections.  The APWU is truly appreciative of all active and retired members and our Auxiliary who took time out of their lives to engage in this year’s elections.  It’s not glamorous work, but educating union households about the key political issues and candidates who will best represent working families is important and praiseworthy.

Last Tuesday’s elections serves as an important reminder that APWU’s ongoing work of advocating for our members, retirees, and families does not inexorably bind us to one party.  The mail is not a partisan issue.   Regardless of party affiliation, we will continue to engage and work with any lawmakers who will work with us.  Likewise, we will stand resolute in opposing lawmakers or legislation which seeks to diminish our livelihood or destroy good working class jobs.

APWU’s ongoing effort to secure a moratorium on the looming mail slowdown and plant closures has been bolstered by support from elected officials on both sides of the aisle.  A bipartisan majority of senators endorse legislation to block USPS’s wrongheaded cuts.  In the House, 5 Republicans and 5 Democrats have led the charge, securing the bipartisan support of over 160 representatives.

While Congress considers action, members of the four postal unions and supporters are preparing for a National Day of Action on Nov. 14.  With over 125 events nationwide, we will send a powerful message to Postmaster General Patrick Donahoe and the USPS Board of Governor’s: Stop Delaying America’s Mail!  To read more and find an event near you, click here.

Much remains to be seen about the new 114th Congress which will begin in January 2015.  APWU heads into the new Congress with an unwavering commitment to defend our livelihoods and achieve long-term, commonsense postal reform.  Stay tuned.

Tuesday, August 5, 2014

APWU of WI makes donation to Wisconsin Alliance of Retired Americans

Steve Lord, President of the APWU of Wisconsin presents a check for $500.00 to Mike Pyne , President of The Wisconsin Alliance of Retired Americans (WIARA). The Alliance is a “grass roots” organization that looks out for the interests of retired American workers.

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Sunday, August 3, 2014

Thank You Senator Baldwin for Your Support!

Retired NEWAL President Tony Vanderbloemen, Milwaukee Area Local Business Agent Mark Ferrari, APWU of Wisconsin President Steve Lord, Wausau Area Local President Mike Tomzyck, and Madison Area Local President Bret Wersland meet with US Senator Tammy Baldwin to discuss legislative issues dealing with the USPS.  We were also there to express our gratitude for all her help trying to stop the disastrous postal reform bill S1486 and plant consolidations and closures.

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Your APWU COPA $’s in Action

Area Local President Paul McKenna and APWU of Wisconsin President Steve Lord present Wisconsin AFL CIO Secretary Treasurer Stephanie Bloomingdale with a $2500 check from APWU COPA to support Labor friendly candidates in critical Wisconsin 2014 Governor and legislative races.

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Monday, July 21, 2014

2014 APWU National Convention (Day 1)

These are notes taken July 21, 2014 at the 2014 APWU National Convention. These are as accurate as possible. Understand there could be some typos or minor errors. I apologize in advance for any errors in my figures or notes. ENJOY!


The 2014 APWU National Convention has begun. This will be a busy week with a lot of business to conduct.


At least 24 Constitution Committee Resolutions 

At least 24 National Executive Board Resolutions

At least 145 Labor Management Resolutions

At least 49 Clerk Craft Resolutions

At least 17 Maintenance Resolutions

At least 10 Motor Vehicle Resolutions

At least 3 Support Services Resolutions

At least 34 Formal Resolutions

At least 28 Legislative/Political Resolutions


The Stop Staples Protest Campaign is working. Teacher, Firefighters, the AFL-CIO, SEIU, along with other local and national Unions and Associations have endorsed the Stop Staples Campaign and have voted to boycott Staples. The APWU will continue to expose the USPS’s plan to degrade the Postal Service by holding a Stop Staples protest in Chicago tomorrow. The NALC will hold a joint Stop Staples protest Tuesday in conjunction with their national convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Credentials Committee


There are currently 1440 Delegates in attendance at the 2014 APWU National Convention representing approximately 230 locals.


APWU President Mark Dimondstein - State of the Union Address

Brother Dimonstein spoke about the Stop Staples Campaign and how greed is controlling how things are done in the Postal Service, politics and our communities, All local and national public services (including Postal Services) are under constant attack.

Workers are beginning to stand up and fight back. Wal-mart, fast food and Postal workers have been fighting back. We must continue to fight in order to win the fight. Staples is attempting to change their relationship with the USPS in order to derail the APWU’s “Stop Staples” Campaign. The next fight will be villiage Post Offices.

The APWU has a new negotiated contract with the Support Services Division


There have been over 2000+ Conversions of PSE Employees.

Stated that there should be only one Postal Union, but absent of that we should all be working together.


There is now a joint legislative agenda by all Postal Unions. All Postal Unions will fight together on the Plant Closure Fight.

All Postal Unions seek to add Postal Banking Services. This would provide basic banking services to all citizens. It would add over $9 Billion in revenue.


Create a grand alliance not only with other Postal Unions, we need to get out in the community and get our citizens involved in our fight.

Asked the APWU delegates to be jury on whether Postmaster General Patrick Dunahoe is guilty of the degradation and erosion of the USPS. The delegates responded with “Donahoe Has Got To Go!” We need a new Postmaster who will protect and expand the United States Postal Service.


Secretary / Treasurer’s Report Liz Powell

Since the 2012 APWU National Convention our membership has declined and our income has continued to decrease. Since January 1, 2014 the APWU has signed up over 5000 new members.


APWU National Income

2013 – 20,666,133

2014 – 20,344,209

Headquarters lost $321,924.00 during 14 pay periods prior to July, 2014


APWU Bargaining Unit Employees

2000 – 351,735

2014 – 191,129

The APWU is 80.4% Organized

There are over 37,000 non-members.


NOTE: The APWU National Secretary/Treasurer office (led by Secretary/Treasurer Liz Powell) created a very detailed financial booklet to show the status of the APWU National finances.

APWU Health Plan contributed $17 million back to the APWU. The APWU Health Plan continues to allow the APWU to continue to be financially viable while our membership continues to decline.


There are:

Approximately  26,000 current APWU members enrolled in the APWU Health Plan

Approximately 26,000 associate members enrolled in the APWU Health Plan

Approximately 56, 000 retirees enrolled in the APWU Health Plan

The finance committee recommended that APWU members take note of the associate and retirees enrolled in the APWU Health Plan in order to see just how good the APWU Health Plan is viewed by others.


Notable speakers at the 2014 APWU National Convention :

Congresswoman Jan Schakowsky - Today

Congressman Danny Davis - Today

National Association of Letter Carriers - Fred Rolando Today (via video)

National Postal Mail Handlers Union President John Hegarty - Today

National Association of Rural Letter Carriers Jeannette Dwyer - Today

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka - Tuesday

MSNBC Broadcaster and Radio Host Ed Schultz - Thursday

Radio Commentator Jim Hightower - Thursday

Actor Danny Glover - Thursday

Source: swoodfla@aol.com

Tuesday, April 29, 2014

APWU of Wisconsin Adopts Resolution to Endorse the Candidacy of Mary Burke for Governor of Wisconsin

MaryBurkeThe American Postal Workers Union of Wisconsin held their State Convention in Appleton recently. While attending the Convention, delegates from throughout the State of Wisconsin representing their members voted on numerous resolutions during the business sessions.

The vote to adopt the following resolution was passed unanimously. 

                                                                                               Mary Burke
  • Whereas: Wisconsin's economic recovery is stagnant compared to neighboring states and the national average and,
  • Whereas: Mary Burke will seek to create good paying jobs in Wisconsin that don't come at a cost to the environment and,
  • Whereas: Mary Burke will work to restore collective bargaining to state workers and,
  • Whereas: Mary Burke believes Wisconsinites deserve better. A better economy, a better future for our children through a quality education, and better leadership,

Therefore Be it Resolved: That the 2014 APWU of Wisconsin Convention endorse the candidacy of Mary Burke for Governor of Wisconsin.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

2014 APWU of Wisconsin Convention Schedule

Attached is a pdf attachment of the 2014 APWU of Wisconsin Convention Schedule for your convenience.

Click Here to see and print the document.

Friday, March 7, 2014

2014 APWU of Wisconsin State Convention

LOGO                           April 24-26 2014

                 Radisson Paper Valley Hotel

333 W College Ave

Appleton WI

Hotel Registration

Single Rate……..$86

Double Rate……$106

Phone…………... 920-733-8000

When registering be sure to reference APWU Convention

Registration Cut-off…….March 27, 2014

Training will begin at 1:00 pm on April 24, 2014

Click Here – for Hotel Information

Click Here – for Convention Registration Sheet

Friday, February 28, 2014

Auxiliary to the APWU of Wisconsin State Convention Call

Credentials have been sent out to the delegates for the Auxiliary to the APWU of Wisconsin State Convention April 24, 2014 through Saturday, April 26, clip_image0022014 held in conjunction the APWU State Convention in Appleton, WI.  There will be nomination and elections of all officers of the Auxiliary, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Legislative Director.  The minimum age of an officer in the Auxiliary shall be at least twenty-one (21) years.  If you did not receive your credentials, please contact the Secretary, Jacque Childs email at jchilds@uwcatholic.org.  Credentials are due back by April 15, 2014 to Secretary, Jacque Childs, 1937 Paso Roble Way, Madison WI 53716.

Now is the time to start preparing any resolutions that you wish to submit to the convention for consideration by the delegates in attendance and to be forwarded, if acted on, to the National APWU Auxiliary Convention.

The Auxiliary to the APWU of Wisconsin announces the theme for the State Convention is “Hunger Games” and hope to raise needed monies for COPA.  Be sure to join us.

Monday, January 13, 2014

Notice of Class Action Lawsuit:

Life Insurance Beneficiaries
May Be Due Additional Payments

APWU Web News Article #003-14, Jan. 13, 2014

APWU has been asked to notify our members of a private class action lawsuit on behalf of beneficiaries of certain deceased postal employees.

The lawsuit covers the beneficiaries of deceased APWU and NALC bargaining unit members who were employed by the Postal Service during the period that the Annuity Protection Plan was in effect, from July 21, 1981, through Nov. 20, 1994.

The life insurance beneficiaries of deceased postal employees may be entitled to additional life insurance benefits or interest on their benefits.

For more information, click here [PDF]. You can obtain additional details by e-mailing Class Counsel at classaction@steinmitchell.com.