Friday, February 28, 2014

Auxiliary to the APWU of Wisconsin State Convention Call

Credentials have been sent out to the delegates for the Auxiliary to the APWU of Wisconsin State Convention April 24, 2014 through Saturday, April 26, clip_image0022014 held in conjunction the APWU State Convention in Appleton, WI.  There will be nomination and elections of all officers of the Auxiliary, President, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer, and Legislative Director.  The minimum age of an officer in the Auxiliary shall be at least twenty-one (21) years.  If you did not receive your credentials, please contact the Secretary, Jacque Childs email at  Credentials are due back by April 15, 2014 to Secretary, Jacque Childs, 1937 Paso Roble Way, Madison WI 53716.

Now is the time to start preparing any resolutions that you wish to submit to the convention for consideration by the delegates in attendance and to be forwarded, if acted on, to the National APWU Auxiliary Convention.

The Auxiliary to the APWU of Wisconsin announces the theme for the State Convention is “Hunger Games” and hope to raise needed monies for COPA.  Be sure to join us.